My Five Years Plan

My entire blog of this year is dedicated to changes, small or bigger as I prepare to change all of my habits and personal traits for the better.

It's proven that anyone can change their life in 2-5 years period for better or worse and it's why I started this blog to have daily reminders of To Do's, routines, habits, organizations I joined and people I want to spend my time with.

My entire life depends on:

• books I read,

• food I eat,

• daily routine,

• weekly routine,

• training time,

• education time,

• health time,

• people I spend time with,

• leaving nothing for tomorrow what can be done today.

• Books I read.

I am local city library member since elementary school. I had a list of books I am to buy for my personal library I've read by borrowing books but it got lost as why I only remember the classics ones as well as couple of series known to everyone.

I signed again as a Goodreads member and in couple of book clubs there if you have an account there as I still borrow titles from the library making again a list of books worth buying according to my opinion.

Besides that, and last month's intro with colouring books by Johanna Basford I've decided to buy one each month and read at least two borrowed from the local library to recommend at GoodReads or here as book reviews if they are worth that kind of recommendation.

• Food I eat.

In this post you can read how I've made not fasting months menu and groceries store list while here you can read a list of fasting vegan week prior communion of things everyone has in their kitchen supplies.

I will write fasting vegeterian month menu before Easter fasting month this year.

Many people think it's either complicated or expensive to follow Orthodox Christian fasting periods twice each year, once before Christmas and once before Easter but it's not and after a week you will not even notice that you did not have any milk, eggs, bologne, or similar on your menu as there are similar things to replace or exclude these items.

I've gained weight since last summer I am in process of losing by:

- lowering food amount,

- avoiding certain food by including healthy habits,

- working out couple of times of week and

- walking to everywhere instead of using any kind of transportation.

I  am as a habit change implementing Orthodox religion and with it culture it brings with speaking about seasonal meal changes and changes in everyday behavior this religion proposes.

• Daily routine.

I wrote about what should be my daily routine on not working days each day a week and the same on a working day on my weekly routine.

• Weekly routine.

 My weekly routine follows my daily routine as it's why it's good to do everything as soon as something comes up except daily chores and duties.

• Training time.

Decided to workout three time each week and even made a workout schedule you can see here.

• Education time.

Decided to take accounting classes, make up artists classes or both.

• Health time.

- gynecologist as of my PCOS condition needing monthly contraceptive prescription,

- psychiatrist each month as I want to stop all the bad traits of my character using monthly prescription medicine and therapy,

- dentist twice each year once there is nothing to fix as I plan straining protetics too I did not wear as a child.

• People I spend time with.

It is true when they say you are the person you spend your time with but it is even more true removing bad influences can do wonders in your life. Spoiler book of the month 'Emotional Vampires' book by doctor Albert Bernstein can explain not only personal traits, but situations everyone has experienced having someone who is draining your positive thoughts and taking out your personal time to be spent on doing nothing for yourself managing them into five groups.

• Leaving nothing for tomorrow what can be done today.

That's just that do not leave nothing you can do today for tomorrow or for any other day.

It seems like not much to do but with habits changed and following good daily and weekly routines it could take only few months to see the first changes in your life as I am planning with my own.
