Balea Normal Skin Morning Routine


Decided as with outfit posts resembling wish lists some blogger's do to make a list of skin and face care under 5€, 10€ and 20€ worth from drogerie's having despite it's price range position. When looking for cosmetics under 5€ as well as under 10€ turn to p (private) label products that were quite possibly ordered by the same manufacturer as some pricier brands available.

Making a list of home care face products which are both affordable and worth to have in a skin care bag is not easy if you do not know what is good for your skin or do not recognize your skin type.

As taking care of your own skin starts when you reach puberty it's when you yourself become responsible for your skin condition.

As in my thirties I am still looking for the right products to have and take care of both my face care and skin care.

Here you can read about my experience with hair loss and how to treat it.

Daily & Weekly Face Care routine includes:

• Morning

- Cleanse,

- Tone,

- Moisturize,

- Sunscreen (during summer).

• Evening

- Treat,

- Repair.

• Weekly

- Exfoliate peeling (to be done once to three times each week depending of your skin type),

- Mask (to be used twice each week to extra moisturize your skin).

At Serbia besides our local 'Apotekarska Ustanova Kragujevac'/ Kragujevac Drogerie made products here at Kragujevac people can turn to Balea/Alverde or  Velnea/VZK p products.

DM Drogerie

1. Balea morning wash

2. Balea morning cream

3. Balea lips cream 

4. Puzzle evening soap

5. Balea face masks

* See through shoes cream 

DM besides it's own large offer of products has in it's offer a large offer of different cosmetics coming even from other continents.

I don't enjoy peeling products early in the morning only not to aggressive face wash's including cream coming along with this aloe vera face wash gel.

Cleanse in the morning is the most important thing you can do for your face not as of having  a long night sleep before.

Cleaning your pores is important as of make up you are to wear during day as you don't want possible left overs from the previous day clogging your skin pores.

I prefer full package tube instead individual face masks in one or two packages to use it twice a week.

I got sour cherries lip balm as a present from my cousin niece and hate opening it to use it as of that.

I have PCOS, you can read about my experience with it here, that means skin prone to acne even after puberty as why I got Puzzle collection one soap even with me avoiding hand soaps as of possible bacteria leftovers and use it in the evening on my oily spots especially chin.

Evening cleanse is not that different even with not being mentioned as to remove all the filth from dust and makeup as why is recommended to exfoliate and use face masks couple of times each week.

I bought comfy stuffed winter boots couple of days ago that kinda remind me of childhood shoes we had as why shoe cream is on the list for regular use as since I gained weight this summer am trying to walk everywhere instead using transportation besides workout and avoiding certain food.

Lilly Drogerie

6. VZK Panthenol cream

7. VZK anti rid cream

8. VZK losion

9. Velnea nail polish remover

10. Makeup removal pads

* Golden Rose nail polish

** Llums Sweet Peach Cocktail blush

It's not often I use something that does not clog my pores in this price range therefore Panthenol is the best thing you can do for both face skin care and with it's solution added in your hair shampoo so I always have a tube of it to use when at home during day.

Lotion has alcohol in it so it can cause uncomfortable feeling after I use soap and it's suggested to be used only twice a week instead of every day.

I use antirid on my eyes area and smile area wrinkles during evening after wash and lotion or after masks for moisturize or for exfoliating.

Velnea nail polish removers do not make your nails look dry after using it to remove a nail polish that is why I am recommend it.
Found a towel that is working well instead of makeup removal pads I plan to cut in six pieces rearrange it and use it as make up removal pads with it being easier to wash after two - three days use on 90°C in the washing machine as for exfoliating (rubbing my skin after peeling gel or after removing make up cleaning pores).

Brana from Divine World gave me an idea to make a season collection of nail polishes spring, summer, autumn and winter combined together. That means four for each colour combo and one with see through sparkles on my future shopping list of nail polishes.

As it's winter coming thinking all the shades of grey and blue starting with the darkest blue.

I usually buy Essence blush but Llums has this lovely Sweet Peach Cocktail edition that reminds me of the pearls blush both Avon and Oriflame have.

What is your favorite under 5€ product when we talk about skincare and makeup?


This post is not sponsored in any way.
