Sorting Through Life

When I put another garbage bin for paper, and two others meant for plastic and metal/glass my mother thought I was crazy as no one does that.

As sorting everyday things as in mind when making a schedule of the things you need to do or through every day chores sorting out own garbage means as much as for yourself and the planet we live on.

I heard a note I keep reminding myself:

Do not throw away anything.

It is when you start sorting your own garbage you can see personal habits coming out and as funny as it seems everything except biological waste can be used for something else or made into something else.

I have a junk food bin and bag with candy rap leftovers I check at end of each beginning of month  for myself as I promised to myself to use less of sugar/junk food in my diet as of the sugar cravings I have as of the medicine I take.

To start sorting garbage you need four bins or one bin and three bags.

In most households that would mean throwing away bags after being full into designated area of where the City left their own large garbage disposals for paper, plastic, glass and metal you can not use.

For most it is another chore you need to do for others it's just a healthy habit to have thinking of yourself and your own family so it can be easily assigned to preschool children as their chore with a healthy habit to have.

It's the same with the garbage in your head produced after a bad habit you have causing trouble, so make a list of all bad habits you might have and sort them into six groups.

Group One

Group One would be the basic one group of habits, the biological waste, you create daily in your life with bad habits you have.

Not having a good and healthy diet, low hygiene level on daily basis, not keeping your belongings or your own room tidy,...

Group Two

Education would be in group two meaning not just education you receive through schooling but every other experience that made you learn something or in this case it would be the lack of education creating mess in one part of your life therefore creating "garbage".

Group Three

As it comes to most numberous group three meaning clothing each one's wardrobe needs to go through serious sorting into possible outfits where everything else could be considered as garbage unless turned into something else wearable.

Group Four

In group four you can see all of your personal appliances you have broken or not used anymore. Making a list of broken appliances to be fixed and used again as well as those you don't use which could be given away to someone who would use it can keep this group in check.

Group Five

Group Five contains all the bags you have keeping them clean and avoiding having them overfilled as not to make small cuts from the outside and insides besides all the clothing not so fashionable you can rearrange into something modern.

Group Six

Group Six are all the board games, books, comics,... people even collect besides having them.

Recently I have started learning about chess and each figurine and place position meaning as why they say you can know 12 moves in advance once you learn the chess pattern of place position and importance of each figurine and it's let's say mission on the board.

This means this is the fun group where people have their different collections of so many things or game types as it does include PC or Nintendo games collections you can share with others.

Sorting is a good habit to have keeping your brain in check into important and less important things that perhaps can cause distractions in life or on daily basis.


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