How To Deal With Hair

Being Mediterranean type of woman requires patience as people say 'Patience is a virtue' in dealing with accessive body hair followed by either dry or oily skin type with as statistics show one in a five group of women has PCOS as their diagnose that being both ovaries and uterus syndrome disease causing many possible illnesses.

There is more about my PCOS experience in next post.

When to start removing hair is a common question in elementary school when reaching puberty depending of the local cultural and religious customs, family culture and health issues as removing hair has always been a must among women with more and more men visiting cosmetics salons too have similar or same treatments as women especially if they have a public life job.

I use 2+1 rule as of possible hair making skin problems growing under layer of skin as sometimes it can leave a scar that meaning 2 shaves and 1 use of electric depilator.

Using a shower puff is obviously a must with body milk cream or body oil depending of the region of skin and it's type.

As every girl or woman think about using epilation therapy on their body or face to remove they need to think doing that during winter as skin may get an awful rash when exposed to sunlight.

It takes about 3 times for hair not to grow for a period of time.

I bought this 'ROWENTA fashion' small depilator less than a decade ago. It has two speeds to change between first one and second faster for second time hair removal across body parts.

It has six rows with four tweezers and four press on skin parts so entire hair is removed.

With it's size it fits in any bag if you love to travel or have a summer or winter holiday.

Body part being depilated should be cleaned before hair removals as after hair removals too to remove possible hair roots leftovers on your skin to be cleaned off.

I prefer disposable razers rather than a single main one bought with disposable razers parts to put on which is a nasty habit to have unless finding a big pack on lower price sales as people forget it's disposable after first use even with people using disposables razers from pack several times it can cause a rash.


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